Reconnect to yourself. Reconnect to others.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy.

The Internal Family Systems Institute defines IFS as the following:

IFS is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. 

IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.  

imagine if you…

Could quiet your inner critic and feel more self-compassionate.

Do you have an internal narrative that makes you question yourself and criticizes your decisions? IFS therapy can be a great way to understand where those thoughts come from and learn how to have a better relationship with your own inner voice.

Felt like you could manage your reactions, even in high stress settings.

IFS therapy can help you get space and perspective from intense emotions. I’ll help you learn tools for speaking for your emotions instead of from your emotions.

Spoke up for yourself in a way others could hear.

Whether you tend to stay silent when it comes to standing up for yourself, or you speak out and find yourself in heated conflicts, parts work can offer a new way of advocating for your needs.

IFS might be for you if you’d like more of any of these in your life:









Still not sure IFS is for you?


    This quick 6 minute video gives a great introduction to the basic concepts and framework of IFS.


    Have an hour? Check out this podcast episode in which IFS founder, Dr. Dick Schwartz, does a session with Amanda, a lawyer and fellow high-achiever. It gives a great example of what to anticipate from an IFS session.


    “No Bad Parts” is the first book Dr. Dick Schwartz, the founder of IFS, wrote with the general public in mind. Give it a read, mark the parts that resonate with you, and it'll be a fantastic starting point if you decide IFS therapy is for you.

I want you to know:

Being at peace with yourself is possible.